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Industrial Safety Management > Chapter -1 > Topic - Role of Management In Industrial safety > Subtopic- Planning for safety - Definition , Purpose , Nature , Scope & Procedure , Range of planning , Types of Plans

 Planning for safety - Definition , Purpose , Nature , Scope & Procedure , Range of planning , Types of Plans

General Definitions of the Planning - 

1) Planning refers to a preview of future activities. 
2) Planning is that function of manager in which he decides in advance what he will do.
3) Planning is the first function or element of the management process. 
4) Planning is defined as the activity by which managers analyze present condition to determine ways of reaching a desired future stage. 

Planning for Safety- 

Safety planning as the first step of safety management wherein safety managers decides in advance safety objectives, policy, procedure, strategies, rule, programmes, methods, budgets, schedule & necessary means for achieving these objectives, considering facts, and anticipating foreseeable events that may affect safety of plant, people, environment. 

Purpose of Planning - 

1) Focuses on objectives & results 
2) Activities become purposeful and orderly 
3) Reduces uncertainty ,risk ,wastages 
4) Helps in controlling future events
5) Helps in saving cost
6) Imparts Accuracy
7) Helps other functions of management i.e. Organizing, staffing, budgeting, directing, controlling 
8) Provides direction
9) Creates healthy organizational climate
10) Provides framework
11) Helps to visualize a clear and complete picture of the business or the activity 
12) Secure cooperation from employees 
13) Maintain balance between various activities
14) Encourages Innovation & Creativity 
15) Guides decision making 
16) Provides basis for decentralization
17) Provides efficiency in operation

Purpose of Safety Planning - With respect to health & safety of workers and public , safety of plant and surrounding environment & prevention of total losses.
1) To draft health & safety Policy and environmental policy for the management
2) To decide safety committee ,its objectives & effective functioning 
3) To decide safety targets like zero/Minimum accidents , maximum working hours without accident, safety education, training and awareness programmes for the workers & the public.'
4) Areas of hazards & their detection ,Inspection, audit, risk assessments & measures for their removal or minimization.
5) Accident Investigation ,analysis , cost calculation and introducing safety measures to prevent their occurrences.
6) Organization structure , staff, key persons , and their roles for safety. 
7) Standards for safety, equipment ,tools, permissible exposures.
8)  preparation ,rehearsal , updating of on-site emergency plan.
9) Details of safe or standard operation procedures, close down procedures ,methods, firefighting procedures , emergency preparedness, first-aid etc. 
10) Testing, inspection and records of lifting machines & pressure vessels , Ventilation ,lightening ,safe environment , per statutory.
11) Medical examination of workers, records and corrective action as directed by doctors.
12) Compliance of statutory & non statutory safety precautions, their records and reporting.
13) Search for safe and clean technology for the process and hazard control techniques for detection and removal of all hidden hazards. 
14) Follow-up action, evaluation of safety programmes and improvement of future plans, strategies etc. 
15) Planning to achieve national & international standard, awards etc. 

Nature of Planning- Nature/Features/Characteristics 

1) It is primary and most important function of management
2) It is goal oriented 
3) It is intellectual or rational process
4) It covers all levels of management 
5) It is conscious activity
6) It is continuous process
7) It is flexible
8) Forecasting or forward looking is the essence of planning
9) Accuracy is essential to planning
10) It is choice of alternatives
11) Its is concerned with group objectives
12) It is integrated process
13) It is directed towards efficiency & achievement of decided goals

Procedure of Planning- 

1) Identify Problems
2) Establish the goals or objectives
3) Develop planning premises 
4) Determine the alternative course of action 
5) Evaluate the alternatives 
6) Select course of action
7) Formulate final and sub plan as per need

Range of Planning-  

Based on Time schedules three types of plans can be prepared.

1) Short Term ( Operational) Plans - 
      - For period up to 1 Year 
      - They are prepared on the basis of strategic & tactical plans
      - They are detailed in nature
2) Medium Term ( Intermediate) Plans- 
      - For period more than 1 year and less than 5 year
      - They are less detailed than short term plan
 3) Long term ( Strategic) Plans- 
       - For Period of 5, 10, 15 years or more than that
       - It involves uncertainty due to long term period is involved 
       - It considers future changes in environment & provides overall targets towards which all activities of organization are to be directed. 

Types of Planning- 

1) Based on Objectives - Production plan, sales plan, financial plan, Investment plan, Expansion Plan, R& D plan, Training plan, existing business plan, reform oriented plan.
2) Based on Time- Short , Medium & Long term plan mentioned above
3) Single Use plan - Programmer projects, budgets 
4) Repeated Use plans-  Objectives, Policies , procedure, rules, strategies 

Strategic Planning- 

Strategic planning is a formalized, long range planning process used to define and achieve organizational goals. 
In the safety perspective, onsite or offsite emergency plan is the strategic plan.

Characteristics of Strategic Planning -

1) It is a long term planning to fight future external force.
2)It is action oriented, flexible , dynamic and forward looking.
3)It deals with the basic questions.
4) It is a function of top management.
5)It is a base for detailed plans.
6)It focuses on energies and resources.
7)It analyses the environment.
8)It involves assumption of certain calculated risks.
9)It is a contingent plan.

Factors affecting the Strategic Plan-

1)Internal inconsistency.
2)Consistency with environment.
3)Appropriate time horizon.
5)Acceptable degree of risk.
7)Social and legal sanction.

Steps Of Strategic Planning-

1)Decide mission and long range objectives.
2)Collect and analyze relevant information.
3)Assess the environmental and risk factors.
4)Conduct resource audit.
5)Think of strategic alternative.
6)Select the best alternative.
7)Implement and control it.

Performance of the strategic plan should be evaluated with specific time interval, where performance are below expectation, strategy should be reviewed and modify as per need.

Reference - 
K.U. Mistry Book


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