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Industrial Safety Management >Chapter-1>Topic-Introduction>Sub Topic- Management Principles

Management Principles 

Henry Fayol's 14 Management Principles - 

1) Division of Work -

Work of every person should be limited to a single leading function to do more and better work with the same effort.

2) Authority and Responsibility -

Authority gives the management the right to give orders to the subordinates.
Responsibility arises when authority is given. Authority and Responsibility go together and they are the two sides of same coin. 

3) Discipline -

Obedience to rules & regulations of the organization

4) Unity of Command - 

Every subordinate should give order from only one superior. If employee has to follow the command from two or more than one then there begins the conflict and confusion. 

5) Unity of Direction - 

The person working in the company should have one goal and motive which will make the work easier and achieve the set goals easily. 

6) Subordination of Individual Interest to  General Interest - 

Employee's personal interest should not dominate the management's interest. Incase of conflict between such interest personal interest should be sacrifice. 

7) Scalar chain - 

Normally a chain of authority runs from highest authority to the lowest rank but however it its very long and causes delay , cross communication between two employees at lower level should be permitted to avoid such delays. 

8) Remuneration of Personnel - 

The employees shall be given reasonable compensation that will give the maximum satisfaction to both employees and employer. 

9) Order -

There should be place for everything and everything in its place. It means layout and arrangement of equipment and machines. 

10) Centralization - 

It means power should be given to the few top management. To achieve maximum result. 

11) Equality - 

There should be equality ,justice , kindness and impartiality in treatment to employees and a sympathetic and unbiased attitude towards them. This generates better industrial relations. 

12) Stability of the tenure of the personnel - 

Management has to offer job security and stability to their employee. Instability hampers interest ,motivation and efficiency of the employee. 

13) Initiative - 

Freedom to think and take decision. Employee should be given an opportunity to take initiative to formulate and execute plans even though some mistakes may result. when employees are given freedom to work independently they tend to grow and develop. 

14) Esprit de corps - 

Instead of divide and rule, management should strive to install team spirit, cooperation and harmony among workers to make the management united and powerful. . 

Reference : 

1) Fundamentals of Industrial Safety and Health

 -By K.U. Mistry 
2) Industrial Safety ,Health and Environment Management System - By R.K. Jain , Sunil S. Rao 
3) WWW.Google.Com


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