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Industrial Safety Management >Chapter 6 > Topic –Accident Prevention > Subtopic- Roles of the Supervisor , Workmen, Trade Union , Management ,Safety Officer , Factory Medical Officer

What are the roles of Supervisor ,Workmen , Trade Union , Management , Safety Officer , Factory Medical Officer in Accident Prevention ? 

Role of the supervisor in Accident Prevention : 

  • Inspecting work areas to identify any safety issues
  • Initiating work orders for safety related repairs
  • Insuring all needed repairs are completed timely
  • Knowing and complying with all Statutory requirements
  • Enforcing employee compliance with all safety regulations
  • Training all new employees on the safety plan
  • Having monthly safety meetings with group employees
  • Safe completion of all work
  • Recording all safety incidents
  • Reporting all safety incidents to management
  • Investigating all accidents
  • Preventing the reoccurrence of similar accidents
  • Reviewing with management how to improve safety

Role of the Workmen in Accident Prevention: 

  • Before starting the work, they should check all guards, fencing, safety devices and equipment in proper order and should always follow the safe methods of working. It should be checked after the closure of work also.
  • If safety guards and personal protective equipment are not provided, they should demand it through their supervisor or safety department.
  • Surrounding place should be kept clean, safe and without obstruction.
  • Wrong habits at work should be left
  • It is their right and duty under section 73 HA of the Maharashtra Factory Rules 1363 to warn about imminent danger in hazardous processes and to inform the Supervisor /Safety Officer.
  • Analysis of their own mistakes & failures tending to hazards and accidents and rectify it with the help of supervisor and safety department.
  • They should not unduly interfere with the work of fellow workers and similarly should not allow fellow workers to interfere with their work. They .will exercise due care and good judgement in preventing accidents.
  • They should give their knowledge and experience in safety to new workers for safe working.
  • Sections 97 and 111 of the Factories Act draw attention toward offences by workers and their obligations. They are supposed to comply with the provisions of this Act, Rules and orders made there under imposing any duty or liability on them, otherwise, they are punishable.' Such duties cast upon them are :
  1. They shall not willfully interfere wither misuse any appliance, convenience or other thing provided for the purpose of securing health, safety or welfare of workers. 
  2. They  shall  not willfully  and  without reasonable cause do anything likely to endanger themselves or others. 
  3. They shall not willfully neglect to make use of any appliance or other thing provided for the purpose of securing health or safety of the workers and 
  4. They shall not refuse to undergo medical examinations for their health and safety.
        • Through safety committee or union they should suggest their views in formulating safety rules and regulations. Thus they should give their • share to participate in safety management. 
        • Temptation to earn more by working overtime causes health hazards. Hurry, worry, short-cuts, chance-taking, over speed and over confidence also contribute accident causes. 

        Role of the Trade Union in Accident Prevention: 

        • Checking and demanding for safe place, tools, machines, equipment, working conditions and environment for work. 
        • Training and insisting their members to use and maintain guards, safety devices, protective equipment and to follow safe work practices. They can run the teaching classes in their offices in addition to the training by the management.
        • Checking for physical workloads, working hours, odd shifts, welfare facilities and statutory requirements   for  health,   safety   and  welfare  of  workers  and  bringing  them  to  the  notice  of  the management and the authorities.
        •  Actively participating in all safety campaigns, safety-day-programmes,      seminars,     publicity     and every type of motivational safety movement.  
        • Urging both  management and  members  to measure up their responsibilities to safety drive and fulfil their obligations to each other so as to supplement the efforts.
        • Deputing their  members on worker's safety committee or joint safety committee. 
        • Sending their members for safety courses, seminars, and training classes.

        Role of the Management in Accident Prevention: 

        • Allocating sufficient resources (financial and human) for the proper functioning of the occupational safety and health programmes.
        • All the statutory compliance as per Factories Act shall be fulfilled
        • Management should personally involved for reviewing safety programmes
        • Management shall make notice of possible hazards and danger to all the associated employees 
        • Management shall disclose the Accident recording, investigation, prevention mechanism to the competent person 
        • Management should promote the safety culture and must be ready to make the         investments to enhance the  Safety Culture. 
        • Designating a senior management representative to be responsible for overseeing the proper functioning of Safety Programs management
        • Management shall add the KPI to each department based on Safety Parameters.

        Role of the Safety Officer in Accident Prevention: 

        • The Safety Officer monitors and assesses hazardous and unsafe situations. Safety Officer makes recommendations to management on how to avoid or mitigate these risks.
        • The duty of a safety officer is to ensure that personnel is safe while working. This includes developing measures to protect workers from injuries and ensuring that equipment is operated safely.
        • The safety officer must also ensure that all safety regulations are being followed and that all safety equipment is in good working order.
        • The Safety Officer maintains awareness of active and developing situations. The Safety Officer is responsible for ensuring all personnel’s safety and coordinating emergency response efforts.
        • The safety officer is responsible for reviewing the Incident Action Plan for safety implications. Safety Officer must identify potential hazards and determine what measures need to be taken to mitigate those hazards.
        • To investigate accidents that have occurred within their assigned incident areas. This may include interviewing witnesses, reviewing security footage, and gathering other evidence. The goal is to determine what happened and why, so that future accidents can be prevented.
        • The safety officer is responsible for conducting toolbox meetings. 
        • The safety officer is responsible for leading all efforts to enhance safety on the project. This includes developing and implementing safety policies and procedures, conducting safety training, and investigating accidents and incidents.
        • Responsible for ensuring that all tools and equipment are adequate and safe for use. This includes checking that equipment is properly maintained and in good working order and that safety procedures are followed.
        • The safety officer is responsible for ensuring that all employees are informed of their duties in case of an emergency situation. The safety officer must also inform management whenever a company policy or procedure changes may affect employees’ ability to perform their jobs appropriately during an emergency.
        • To conduct a job hazard analysis, which involves identifying potential dangers in a workplace and assessing the risks of those hazards. The analysis is used to determine how dangerous a task is before an employee begins it, and how much control that employee has over their actions.
        • To conduct risk assessments and enforce preventative measures. A safety officer must be vigilant at all times and take action whenever they see a potential hazard.
        • The safety officer is responsible for ensuring that employees and visitors are safe while they work at the company.

        Role of the Factory Medical Officer in Accident Prevention: 

        • Day to Day Management of the Occupational Health Centre (OHC) along with the Paramedics. 
        • Identification of health hazards at the plant across various shop floors.
        • Identification of notifiable diseases (is any) as per the schedule II of the Factories Act.
        • Address medical problems of the workers as well as any industrial health related problems i.e. monitoring hazards, use of PPE, biological monitoring, etc.
        • Conduct bi-annual health evaluations of the workforce. Electronic Health Record (EHRs) to be maintained for all employees.
        • Conduct pre-employment health evaluations.
        • Maintain medical health records at the OHC (occupational Health Centers) 
        • Conduct health & wellness awareness programs & workshops on various topics - lifestyle diseases, prevention o occupational health hazards, and importance of using PPEs etc.
        • Renewal Liaison with the factory inspector and certifying surgeon.
        • Liaison with hospitals and doctors in the vicinity of the site.
        • Provide emergency care to the employees in case of workplace related injuries, illness and exposure.
        • Work with the Safety Officer to drive various awareness programs on health. 

        References : 
        • Fundamentals of Industrial Safety and Health By - K.U.Mistry 
        • The Factories Act, 1948 
        • The Maharashtra Factories Rules, 1963
        •  Amaxx Risk Solutions. 
        • HSE


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