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Environmental Management> Chapter- 3 > Waste Management> Six R-Concept: Rethink ,Refuse, Reduce, Recycle, Reuse & Reprocessing/Co-processing Waste

What is 6 R-Concept in Waste Management ?  According to the World Bank, the world generates 2.01 billion tonnes of municipal solid waste annually with at least 33% of it not managed in an environmentally safe manner. Worldwide, waste generated per person per day averages 0.74 kilograms but ranges widely from 0.11 to 4.54 kilograms. Globally, waste generation is expected to increase by 3.40 billion tonnes by 2050. The East Asia and Pacific region generates 23% of the world’s waste and the Middle East and North Africa region produces 6% . By 2050, total waste generation in fastest growing regions like Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, the Middle East and North Africa is expected to double. In these regions, currently more than half of the waste is openly dumped with significant effect on health and the environment. Proper waste collection and disposal play a vital role in the global cleanliness and environment sustainability as its ripple effects are observed on health and environment....

Chemical & Process Safety Management > Chapter-3 > Safe Handling of chemicals > U.N Classification of Dangerous Goods

 U.N Classification of Dangerous Goods   IS 1446:2002 is the Indian standard  for CLASSIFICATION OF DANGEROUS GOODS 'Hazardous Goods' are the materials or items with Hazardous properties which ,if not properly controlled ,present a potential hazard to human health and safety , Infrastructure and/or their means of transport.  The U.N has classified the hazardous goods in following 9 Categories-   1. Explosives  2. Gases 3. Flammable Liquids  4. Flammable Solids  5. Oxidizing substances and organic  peroxides 6. Poisonous ( toxic ) and infectious substances  7. Radioactive Substances 8. Corrosives Substances  9. Miscellaneous dangerous substances and  articles  Class 1 -  Explosives   Explosives are the materials or substances which have the ability to rapidly conflagrate or denote as consequence of chemical reaction.  Division 1.1 :  Substances and articles which have amass...

Environmental Management> Chapter- 4 > Topic - Global Warming > Subtopic- Restrictions for development in coastal zone as per CRZ

What is CRZ ? Classification of CRZ , Restrictions for development in coastal zone as per CRZ  Introduction- India, with a coastline of about 7516 kms, is one among the 12 mega biodiversity countries and 25 hotspots of the richest and highly endangered eco regions of the world. Coastal regions of India provide home to 13.36% of the people of the country and thus place tremendous pressure on the resources along the coast. There are 9 coastal states in the country, namely, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Odisha, West Bengal.  Coastal areas comprise some of the most dynamic natural ecosystems of our planet, where three main components—the hydrosphere, the lithosphere, and the atmosphere—meet and interact, forming interconnected systems. Coastal ecosystems including marshes, mangroves, near-shore coral reefs, seagrass beds, sandy beaches and dunes provide numerous benefits like livelihood through fisheries, protection from sea surges/cyclo...

Construction Safety > Chapter - 6 > Topic- Safety In Demolition > Subtopic- Planning & Permit sequence of demolition ,Precautions to be taken for and during demolition

What are the safety measures to be taken during demolition work....Hazards and their control measures related to the demolition. What is Demolition?  The word demolition means destruction, breaking down or removal. Demolition of building is the process of dismantling or destroying of a structure after its life of serviceability by pre-planned and controlled methods.  General reasons for Demolition of the Building or Structures- 1) Design life of building/ structure is over 2) Building /Structure is unsafe for use 3) Replacement of Old structure  4) Structural Damage or loss of stability of the structure  5) Demolition of small structure to build bigger one 6) Unsafe for surrounding areas  What are the types of Demolition?  There are two types of demolition methods used for buildings and structures -  1) Non-explosive demolition 2) Explosive demolition  1) Non Explosive- That means the demolition of a structure done with some equipment without...

Quality Control in Occupational Safety & Health > Chapter- 3 > Topic-Measurement and Evaluation of Safety Performance > Subtopic- Indian Standard IS-3786 and its Salient features

Significance of IS-3786 and Important Definitions and Formulas in the standard IS-3786 is Indian standard "METHOD FOR COMPUTATION OF FREQUENCY AND SEVERITY RATES FOR INDUSTRIAL INJURIES AND CLASSIFICATION OF INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS."   Objectives of the IS-3786 Standard:  a) To help in evaluating the relative need for taking accident prevention measures in different departments of an establishment. b) To help in making an appraisa1 of the progress of an accident. Prevention campaign and making people safety-conscious; c) To provide encouragement when methods used for the prevention of accidents are successful.  d) To enable comparisons to be made.  Scope: This standard prescribes basic methods for recording and classifying industrial accidents. It also includes details of work injury and gives the methods for computation of frequency, severity and incidence rate of work injuries in industrial premises. This would enable adoption of a uniform system of rec...

Industrial Safety Management >Chapter 6 > Topic –Accident Prevention > Subtopic- Roles of the Supervisor , Workmen, Trade Union , Management ,Safety Officer , Factory Medical Officer

What are the roles of Supervisor ,Workmen , Trade Union , Management , Safety Officer , Factory Medical Officer in Accident Prevention ?   Role of the supervisor in Accident Prevention :  Inspecting work areas to identify any safety issues Initiating work orders for safety related repairs Insuring all needed repairs are completed timely Knowing and complying with all Statutory requirements Enforcing employee compliance with all safety regulations Training all new employees on the safety plan Having monthly safety meetings with group employees Safe completion of all work Recording all safety incidents Reporting all safety incidents to management Investigating all accidents Preventing the reoccurrence of similar accidents Reviewing with management how to improve safety Role of the Workmen in Accident Prevention:  Before starting the work, they should check all guards, fencing, safety devices and equipment in proper order and should always follow the safe methods of wor...