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Showing posts from May, 2022

Safety In Engineering Industry >Chapter 6> Topic – Safety in IT and Electronic Industry and Service Sector > Subtopic- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) What is Carpel Tunnel Syndrome ? Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a condition affecting the hand and wrist. The carpal tunnel is a space in the wrist surrounded by wrist bones and by a rigid ligament that links the bones together (see Figure 1).  Figure-01 Through this small tunnel pass the flexing tendons of the fingers and thumb as well as the median nerve (see Figure 2).  These tendons attach muscles to bones in the hand and transfer the movement of the fingers from muscles to bones. The median nerve carries signals from the brain to control the actions of the fingers and hand. It also carries information about temperature, pain and touch from the hand to the brain, and controls the sweating of the hand. The thumb, index, middle and ring fingers are under the control of the median nerve (see Figure 2). Figure-02 Figure 2 - The Carpal Tunnel with Tendon and Median Nerve In the carpal tunnel, the tendons of the fingers surround the median nerve. Swelling...

Industrial Safety Management >Chapter 3 > Topic –Employee Participation in Safety > Subtopic- Safety Committee-Structure & Functions

Safety Committee- Structure & Functions  As per the section " 41 G- Workers Participation in Safety Management" of the Factories Act 1948   &  As per the  Rule " 73 J-Safety Committee"  of the Maharashtra Factories rules,1963 Formation of Safety Committee is mandatory where , 1. Factories employing workers more than 250 2. Factories carrying dangerous operations u/s 87 3. Factories listed in the First Schedule and as per section 2-cb  Structure of the Safety Committee - A senior official shall be the Chairman A Safety Officer or Factory Medical Officer shall be the Secretary A representative each from the production, maintenance and purchase departments shall be members Workers representatives, of equal number, shall be elected by the workers Tenure- The tenure of the committee shall be 2 years At least one meeting in 3 months. Minutes shall be recorded and produced before the Factory Inspector on demand Right- The committee has right to be informe...